• Product Center

    Safe, efficient and environmentally friendly


    A silver shovel is a good helper for weeding

    Component : 75% phenyl-glyphosate and 40% oxyfluoro-glyphosate

    Agent type : dry suspension, dispersible oil suspension

    Package : 100g (20g benzoil · glyphosate + 80g oxyfluoro · glyphosate)/iv 5 bags/IV 20 bags

    • Product Detail
    • Product introduction

      Silver shovel can be widely used in non-arable land, high root orchards, seedling and crop stubble, for the vast majority of weeds, fast killing speed, long duration of effective, low temperature resistance, dead grass thoroughly, cost-effective products. The uniqueness and advancement of the dosage form of the product make the medicine effect of the three-barrel mixed product exert to the maximum, which can solve the problem of weed control well and prolong the effective period.

      Using range and use method

      The name


      Control object

      Dosage (dosage of preparation/mu)

      Oxyfluoro glyphosate

      Non-cultivated land


      100-160 ml/mu

      Benzoyl glyphosate

      ?Non-cultivated land


      60-90 grams/mu?

      Instructions for use of benzoyl glyphosate:

      ★Weed growth flourishing period, 30-40 liters of water per mu, uniform spray on the surface of weeds stems and leaves.

      ★Application should be uniform and thoughtful, avoid heavy spraying, leakage spraying or more than the recommended dose.

      ★Do not apply medicine in high wind or before heavy rain to avoid drift.

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