• Product Center

    Safe, efficient and environmentally friendly


    Component :48% benzoyl, its ester 18% of benzene ether JiaHuan azole + 18% its ester

    Agent type ? : Suspending agent

    Package ? ? ?: 10g×600bag、100g×40bottles、500g×20bottles

    • Product Detail
    • Product introduction

      With the continuous development of fungicide, "methoxyl acrylic ester fungicide" has become a comprehensive prevention and control of major types of fungus diseases, and its bacteria ester "prevention effect and robust performance of crop are outstanding in this kind of fungicide.

      NongJingLing?is silver three-year agricultural science and technology, carefully research, bend force to build a new generation of methoxyl acrylic products, the world's highest levels, the effect is more outstanding! One into the market will generate a strong sensation of fruit trees in the south area. From hainan mango to xishuangbanna bananas, to guilin, persimmon, citrus, guangdong lychee, farmers were surprised to find that: NongJingLing? both from safety, efficacy and cost performance is better than similar imported products.

      Using range and use method


      Control object

      Diluted multiples


      Sheath blight, rice disease



      Leaf spot and scab



      ?Anthrax, scab, scab, burning on disease






      Hemp leaf blight, anthracnose



      Anthrax, the frost?phytophthora diseas



      Anthracnose, leaf spot,powdery mildew, black pox ?disease


      ?Melon beans

      Anthrax, stem blight, rust, leaf spot



      Directions for use:

      ★Farmers elves should not be mixed with butter pesticide use, such as must be used with other ec pesticide, please arrange for safety testing;

      ★Farmers elves to systemic fungicide, should not be mixed with organic silicon and other additives;

      ★Some apple varieties in this sensitive, do not use, the adjacent tree crop spraying, should avoid medicament droplets drift.

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